愛喲我的媽 20110815 阿飄星光大道之報告班長人家怕怕 http://www.maplestage.net/node/35200/ 愛喲我的媽-20110815-阿飄星光大道 個人信貸之報告班長人家怕怕/ Part 4 At 0 西裝外套2:10/10:41 "Taiwan.The.總統.Fool.居然.10.Guy.Jeye.Inn.宅 裝潢.Sun.Myan" 1. As long as you have one building built on the ground that taki 禮服ng away or bothering any underground wild natural life right, your President House must have to be built 房屋買賣 on one of rich and/or powerful forceful family ties graved ground. 2. "Shit.Boot.Sheng.Zheng", as long as all your 買屋President house residents, workers, visiters all "Zheng.1.Zhi.10", "Inn.宅" must be more than happy to share the space along with all those 酒店經紀 moral righteous "Young.Gun.Zhi.7"3. You need to know that Japan Kingdom could built power and/or force in Taiwan, must be backed supported by that evilest Chinese man who 買房子can have the deepest eyes and ears to see the most righteous point of view that no one else can see. Therefore, you must not change any thing that Japanese left behind in Taiwan as lo 代償ng as you have One Chinese or One Taiwan Resident does not agree with you to make that change. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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